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Holiday in Slovakia | Hunting | 4seasons

Holiday in Slovakia | Hunting | Hunting in Slovakia | image

4seasons offers its clients great opportunities for hunting. Slovakia has a long-standing tradition of hunting dating back to the 15th century. Hunting preserves in Slovak woods are spread on theover an area of over more than half a million of hectares. They offer a wide selection of habitats that provides an enjoyable experience for both beginners and advanced hunters seeking a challenging hunt. The most popular catch in Slovakia’s most popular is game like features stag, wild boar, fallow buck, deer, and also the brown bear. Among birds pheasants and partridges prevail. 4seasons will arrange all services connected with hunting in Slovakia including accommodation in hunting manors, mountain cottages or in timbered huts built in deep woods.



slovak language

Beauties of Slovakia:

Museum of the Orava village in Zuberec
Museum of the Orava village in Zuberec
The Outdoor Museum of Mining in Banská Štiavnica
The Outdoor Museum of Mining in Banská Štiavnica

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